Thursday, October 29, 2009

The waiting

I think God knows I have some issues with patience. I'm not a fan! I'm ready for my classes to be over so I can just put this semester behind me and try to do a better job next, I'm ready for thanksgiving, and most definitely Christmas. Not to mention the wedding. My head is swarming with stresses of everyday life along with upcoming events. I think my focus on school has pretty much gone out the window. Today in math I was doodling invitations on my "note taking" paper. hahaha so much for that hour and half! I told Sam about the blog and he said "oh that's great babe, as long as I don't have to participate!" I just laughed that is so very typical! I'll get used to this though right?!?!? (This meaning living with a male again.)

1 comment:

  1. Ha...that is so Sam. Mark also has no interest in participating in the blogging.

    Take a deep breath, Nat. One thing at a time. Call if you need moral support :)
